Homestuck FM - Dead chat

Honestly though, I’d love to be groupscum with you someday from the beginning of the game Zone. I think it could be fun and interesting.

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Ahaha… No offense, but I don’t think I will be mentally able to survive.

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No offense taken.

I still am kinda confused why I existed. It made your win nigh impossible

I have a feeling Cloned wasn’t expecting us to be all buddy buddy in the deadchat either Zone.

Or at least very difficult.

Meh. I dunno. Sulit must’ve thought it was a good idea though, so… it should be balanced?

Yep. To be honest, me neither. You have surprisingly a lot of temperance. I like that. :+1:

Yup and thanks. I’m pretty forgiving and besides, in my eyes, you didn’t do anything wrong. You were just playing to win. It’s the same thing I might’ve done in your situation.

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Nope, I know how he died but I’d rather not say it

Oh. Thank goodness, so it was not caused by an unknown factor.

He died via death

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@Zone_Q11 it wasn’t us, it wasn’t you, but since you were a NK I’m going to go with town-aligned gladiator

How can there be a town aligned gladiator when there was no indication of a fight?

Wasn’t it supposed to be a dayvig?

wait what’s the difference

Whatever, town aligned dayvig

I thought a gladiator was just a vigi guess I’m dumb lol

Gladiator needs to call out their ability, and then the two will enter a mech thunderdome.


…you really never saw one? It works like this:

(In Thread)
Gladiator: “/gladiate Suspect
Host: “Gladiator and Suspect are the only players that can be executed Today.”

…hey @Leafia2, wanna bet who’s the dayvig?
I say… it is Centuries.

I mayyy have been double killed by you and mafia… Maybe.

I think this has to do with the two threads thingy. After all, the anti-nk was in the other thread. It might also have to do with that mafia got R(ish)DM’d by ash? It would probably have been more balanced if there were other targets to consider (because you somehow make people want to strife you, but not vote.)