Homestuck FM - Dead chat

Yes, I knew. It’s part of his main ability, though poor wording might have confused Ash.

As it did to me, I assumed I was going to receive the flavor name of the character, not the full role and main ability without alignment.

This is also why I deemed myself useless. A 75% chance of finding the flavor of my target? I’d have to search the entire wiki page just to find out what they did in the story…

Uh… okay.

Hmmmm, that’s a possibility but I doubt it. I’ll say 4x4 myself. What do you want to bet?

It’s a bet for fun, actually. I have nothing to bet.

Fair enough.

Thread 1 is filled with spineless cowards confirmed. Joking aside though, I think Marshal would’ve been a decent lynch for Thread 1.

Pretty sure I am not following the game anymore, but I agree that Thread 1 takes way too much time to make a choice.

Indeed they do. Thread 2 is much better at decision making.

No they aren’t. Thread 2 just happens to have Kyo the Mastermind. (I am saying that he is good at being one; not that he is confirmed scum.)

In my eyes, everyone is just passive as ****.

True. People are being too passive this game.

…sigh. I suppose it is better than the current Bot Game on my homesite.

7 VT, Cop, Doc, Omni-roleblocker
3 Goons, 1 Vanilla-Vigilante

D1 Mislynch, N1 VT Kills, D2 Doc Mislynch + VT Modkill for inactivity
It’s already 5v4 …and it’s N2.

The game won’t end until the mafia has majority, so they have to wait for D3 to start before the victory sinks in.

Before you say anything, this only works because it’s my homesite. I know that this is a horrible setup, and I would like for the mafia to have 1 goon less, but uh… there is a reason I never went back to my homesite.

8/18 lmao. are we in lylo/mylo already

Nah, that can’t be. MYLO maybe, but never LYLO.

I hadn’t seen flips yet. Maf flip happened so I assume 2/8 remaining are scum

LMAO it is lylo

this setup was jank, but I thought it was super townsided at first and now I don’t think so.

Hammer is scum I think, idk on others