Homestuck FM - Dead chat

Sorry not accepted. Prepare yourself to be tunneled in future games.

yesterday I claimed I got a red on you for no understandable reason… Yeah actually you were just the only one alive of my checks

ah man


where’s dead interaction at

probably Event X, where X is between 4 and 40,000.

Your push on me is understandable. Centuries occ’ing me is maddening, but his hammer is unforgivable.


i thought you were town

if cent occed zone then that means appel wasn’t the maf factional, mathmods was


appel scum appel scum I told you nerrrrds

Dude. ash4fun claimed cop who redchecked me and you knew he wasn’t scum. What the hell do you mean “you thought I was town”?

Also I’m having a literal wtf on why kyo claimed you were lynchproof…

Like he can’t be neut otherwise he’d leave

funny how you dont realize the most interesting thing about me occing zone with a dead scumbuddy in thread :^)

Uh… no. Not really. Scum had to have 2 KP on N1 and N2. Otherwise it wouldn’t make sense.

@Marshal, read this.

@ash4fun, answer this.

nobody wants to interact with the big bad wolf who’s responsible for d1 ml :frowning:

Is this referring to me? :angry:

I don’t know if i’m willing to believe scum had 2x kpn and a dayvig and a rampager and a SK exists

Groupscum with ~3xKPN and a SK with ~1.5 KPN in a game where only 11/18 people are even town is really hard to buy

Amnesiac checks

wrong :^) wrong :^)

wrong :^)

Dude. This setup already has 5 scum with a NK and anti-NK; EVERYTHING is possible!

call me :butter:

cause im on a :roll_eyes: