Homestuck FM - Dead chat

inb4 it’s multiball

and we have another maf faction

ggs youve guessed it right its multiball :^)

pls be lying

never trust anything i say

blender is a great tool

Yeah this guy is a dead wolf in a deadchat where dead interaction is stated to exist

Sorry nerd but I am listenting to literally nothing you say

I just want flip to happen

he doesn’t flip at all :^)

guys please talk to me i feel very alone and dead

So how did I die?

If it wasn’t Mafia or Neutral wtf was it?

it could just be maf and cent is enjoying trolling us

couldve just like

hammered a townie but ok

guess we’re just deepwolfing now

wait what?

deepwolfing in lylo is genius

dead interaction wont even happen thats the best thing lmfao

if mafia and only mafia can win the game and they know this but are choosing not to end it we call that “slowrolling” which is usually considered to be a huge dick move if done on purpose

so I don’t know what cent is on about

you’re gonna laugh when you see scumchat :^)