Homestuck FM - Dead chat

Honestly I’m 0/3 on scum wins and that has to be the worst anyone on this site has ever done

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Scum game 1 - Amelia openwolfed D1 and I was a spewed scum cause I sucked
Scum game 2 - I did really well, but eventually it came down to pure mech
Scum game 3 - DG&DT screeching intensifies

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Like the whole problem was that I 100% didn’t care about dying
If I’m shot I’m shot what do you want me to do

i think you did well in DG&DT

i also kinda stopped reading the game after i got ITA’d, what happened lmao

So basically, Centuries claimed that he dayvigged me. Problem was, it was either: true, and I was dead, or: false, and therefore irrelevant

So I didn’t care about it

But everyone was like “that’s such a bad reaction he’s scum” so Kyo was forced to claim a greencheck on me

Town was dumb and heated me. Any chance at revival @clonedcheese?

Seems I’m not the only one to have been misyeeted.

People are dumb and decided to kill me anyway.

I liked my classcard also, but I warned them that I was powerful and killing me would be a mistake.

You weren’t that powerful. Especially compared to me.

Hello? Anyone here?


hi hello

Yay! :slight_smile: Someone to talk to!

I knew neither me nor Math were a good execute target.

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Ah, the graveyards. What a nice place this is.