Homestuck FM - Dead chat

yfw you learn hammer’s identity also LMFAOO

there’s a dayvig that isn’t maf confirmed

it’s not like it wasn’t already super obvious

if town ML we still win btw :^)

the play here is actually 100% to hammer 4444

Hammer was way too antagonistic towards me to be town. No idea why Kyo shot him though.

get hammer in here

play is to hammer cheese

nah dont he’s gonna insult people

who do you think it is?


this person

possibly correct :^)

@HammerMan dont talk there’s dead interaction

Excuse me I don’t like this

lmao now Simon’s going to be outed since Kyo won’t get hammered

since Mylo is anounced

Simon didn’t want us to hammer because he wanted to have fun with it

you ruined my ml attempt :^)


this game is a meme all carried because kyo is the GOAT oh YES FUCK YEAH GOATDAZ