Homestuck FM - Dead chat

well no of course not

also Kyo would’ve felt just as robbed if they didn’t get to come online to shoot


in the end

its a rand actually lmfao

i just realized its a rand lmfao

ties are no lynch right?

well then we win

we can claimvig kyo and kill someone else


just dont hit pgo :))

i hope we actually manage to win this somehow

would make me feel sightly less sad about losing every game i ever play on this forum

I love how game came down to if Appel or Kyo logged on first

I mean kyo still had to make the right shot

and he did

because GOATdaz

it still isnt over for scum actually

if votes are locked then its rand

if no rand its no lynch

we have 1 kpn still

two not 1 kpn **

kyo and eevee are people who seem like openwolfs or actual gamethrowers until it is revealed that they are town and they are the sole reason town won

with occasional actual gamethrows thrown in there but wahtever

also if town is “smart” then they realize

kyo is 100% a claimvig in their “possible” reality because no way they are guessing appel is a busdriver that can target both threads

omni busdriver btw :))

at least we rolled one degen role

ok so now if scum is smart they dont visit the bleeder because

he’s useless at this point

dont tell me the (apparently) infinite shot bleeder is also (apparently) multiple shot pgo

@clonedcheese right?