Homestuck FM - Dead chat

Whoopsies I redirected Simon to Appel
That’s a shame

(for the mafia)

kyo you are highkey the fucking GOAT ily

this game was good meme. my only regert is that game literally came down to if Appel or Kyo logged on first

how did you get around the bus drive Kyo?

I had no idea it existed.

I’m just trying to figure out how you successfully hit Appel if they used a bus drive

I didn’t guess, what a misinformed statement
I’ll have you know I am brilliant in the art of WIFOM analysis

he didnt

Mist did

Appel probably busdrived Simon > someone else, because they predicted I’d redirect APpel > Simon

Oh I see. IT wasn’t me then.

Centuries confirmed they still had a bus drive. And you targeted both of them. So if they drove either one of them shouldn’t they have avoided killing themselves?

But Appel bus drived??

oh LMAO they keep getting rekt by PGO

kyo used redirection

which is like

Mist PGO’d Appel

OP updated with spoilers

I managed to prevent an NK’s rampage, vig a mafia and save us from eternal loss
I will not be happy if we lose

I still think it’s trash how Kyo didn’t die after redirecting me to myself. Plus the KPs in this game is not balanced at all. I will complain about this for as long as I can remember this game.

Which is trash, considering you visited me.