Homestuck FM - Dead chat

It’s Kyo isn’t it?

I mean I already knew he was lying about his mech info…

(It’s a lot easier to tell someone is lying about how you got an amnesiac check when you’re lying about the check to begin with lol)

But the key question is why?

How is it a 6-person lylo? If there were 3 mafia it would be game over, but if it is 2 it wouldn’t be Lylo?

Is it some 2v3 with 1 neutral?

Oh, it’s 7, it’s just some weird numbering in the OP. Nvm.

cop!me just died…I’m kinda super disappointed nobody even bothered to look for my checks.

Like you literally can’t miss it.

Right here.

Exact reveal of my check, as well as the name of the ability.

I mean it doesn’t help them since those people are dead, but still…

pretty sure they’re yeeting a wolf in kyo

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Centuries like it uh oh

tell me if game is over or not reeeee


who knows

nvm i do know

ure not getting anything from me though lmfaooo

now I have to wait for people to get online

Even if we managed to lynch town

there could be wifom bs / lp

what do you mean? either kyo is scum or game is over

who knows kyo might be a lp person :^)

what is lp?

le lynchproof meme

wtf is scumchat up to

can you still spectate or are you wondering why they aren’t quickhammering?