Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

whats sigma

sigma balls

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more accurately it’s addition but for gamers

biased third party here to bully simon at your command, cloned

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i want sulit
sulit eating

personally i think you should revoke their claimvig for the night or something

…is that enough

Jade’s stupid jacked

i am the last person you want to consult for balance

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the 3 shot bus driver is all i see really being overpowered when they’re scum
maybe yeetus their rampage?

i understand all but one of the symbols in that question
i understand absolutely nothing of how to integrate for dy when dx is also a thing

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this role is considerably more powerful in town’s hands than it is in scum’s, since their self revive has already been set off

these abilities are the only ones that have any active use, and it’s mostly for the ol’ ritualist switcheroo

bus driver is way more powerful for wolves
this is fucking ridiculous bus driver

uh I’m here kinda

Eating cupcake


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ms reviewer i needs help

would yeetus rampage+tonight’s claimvig do the trick

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cloned made an oopsie

gimme sec

am think

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i thought this was just a normal bus driver
hold up
holy shit

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Tf is a “DM slip”?

