Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat


are you gonna take that, italy?!

fuck it

gonna do this

you’re either giving one thread more discussion time or taking away another’s

they’re already doing that themselves
by like
not talking

it’s their own choice to hammer

now that apprentice has won D2

can i say again how dumb his role is :eyes:

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did you have to reveal the safeclaim

did you have to reveal the fakeclaim

generally revealing fakeclaims is bad ettiquette


also do you want me to edit the titles

wait you can prob do that urself

it is a rolecard im proud of
that i wanted to share

because now no villagers can FPS as being Calliope, for example

you can do that postgame

why is this relevant
who would do this

me lol

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considering everything else they’ve done, kyo wouldn’t be impossible


zone: i claim this empowerer nerd

i immediately CC this so i can be the target of a Zone Tunnel™️

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also, the wolves can’t fakeclaim Calliope either, which is more pertinent
they can fakeclaim outside of their assigned choices, after all
and it’s not too much of a stretch to assume there is no Calliope class based on the Lord English class not mentioning her