Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

Town has 1
Mafia has 2+

mafia has more than 1 guaranteed KP tonight?



mafia has claimvig, rampager and factional atm

rampager isnt guaranteed 2nd kill

claimvig shouldnt be usable on the outted mason, but this is FoL so someone will claim

if kyo is lynched then scum just wins

convenient that he’s now the top suspect

im pretty sure if we want to be technical this is MyLo but kyo will shoot today

so its basically KyLo

kyo has made theirself so fucking sketchy between zone’s death and whatever the hell they’re suspecting towards them now

fwiw if he claims the mode kill he might get cleared off of it

it was very clearly not anticlaim

I assume that means Hammerman can die to bleed?

apparently not according to the bleed message

then again he might get anticlaimed if he does this depending on how he does it

…that should be changed to “obly by exe”

hammer going for the bus when hes bleeding out(?) with no healers

i like it

wait the claimvig is night only

this game is officially in KyLo

this game is actually over if they don’t kill specifically simon because kyo’s only chance of not being on the chopping block here is to claim and claimvig + factional is parity

do i need to say that



im prob missing something

if town NL today they prob still lose but i dont think its mechanically guaranteed unless claimvig has a shot lined up in which it is

unless they attack mist

also remind me post game to make infinite bus driver a GI class