Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

mfw 4444 already went back on their pgo claim and outed as bleeder

im currently town

fair, he has no real reason to

annnnnnnd hes getting claimvigged tonight prob

pkr in the “kill all liars” mentality

vote 4444 he claimed pgo

will not be surprised if kyo vigs 4444

i hope it happens

it’d be almost as funny as when town immediately ITAed an outted greencheck in the ITA turbo on MU yesterday
or ITAed the cop with a redcheck

“detonate or loser”


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why is andrew hussie now attacking doc scratch the fuck

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the hell
why is homestuck suddenly really detailed
i didn’t sign up for this

RIP town.

proceeds to lock vote on the last vig in lylo


fun fact
game won’t end after today

Aren’t there 3 scum left

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one is bleeding
the game isn’t over if mist successfully PGOs a scum though


do any of y’all have “most memorable post” anywhere on this forum

no as in
i have an event ready :^)



How badly will this event screw scum

You announced that there won’t be events though?