Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

why didn’t you just give normal players that power instead of giving him host

i have to edit the powers of players
which hard

the realization occurs that mafia had a second rampager, who would happen to be light
so zone is being completely outclassed here

How did L1ght die?


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can chronomancer delay bleed deaths

when I made it I intended it to not be able to do anything to bleeds

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so sure, go with that. it’s your game.

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as you quite obviously yoinked one of my screenshots i demand credit for it

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what the fuck is this modus

the best modus

also what the fuck
are you actually reading it or are you just skipping ahead
i’m a fast reader and even I didn’t get to act 5 that quickly

i’m a single session reader
so i’ll read for like, six hours at a time

congratulations for having the patience to sit through Acts 1 and 2

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i mean
as boring as they can be you’ll miss important plot ™ if you skip them

like the meteor size conversation
that’s very important Plot™

plus reading three entire acts in one sitting isn’t exactly that much of an achievement

italy you do realise the acts grow exponentially longer

do you mean exponentially literally