Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

there will be no neuts in anni

nobody on MU likes them and anni is better off without having to negotiate with 3ps

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Have there never been Noots in an anni game?


the one time there was everybody hated it

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my first post will be claiming a neutral for you

and then i will be ITAed

a lot

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it’s because neuts are terrible design space normally, and even worse when you just want to fuck around with 119 people

120p survivor neut aka “fuck you”

What if we get everyone from this forum to claim Lying Darkness (or slight variations of it)?

my job that game will be to stop them from hip shooting you people
please don’t make it more difficult than it has to be


i claim infinite lie detector

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oh uh
status update
looks like the longest mafia game ever might be ending soon
it’s at a 1v8

I claim neutral claim vig that nukes the game if half of you claim

by “you people” you mean me?

because you’re going to have to hyperpost “DONT SHOOT KATZE THEYRE A MEMER” like 1000 times and ill prob still get ITAed

yes i might have to save myself the trouble and shoot you d2

(FTR: I’m coming around on Neuts being good in forum games, since most of them are designed not-so-well™)

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well now i have to shoot you first

the tradition with anni is to have limited ITAs d1

one year they had only 40 people have their own mini-ITA session
…in a 200p


anni is great
all the benefits of being a small being in a huge world with none of the downsides