Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat



It’s like a neut that wins but can still play is frustrating to play against as they are there to fuck shit up atp. Yes hes town aligned but he doesnt have to see them win

literally every character in homestuck has died at least once

Like unless he doesnt win unless town wins. That’s just a wild neut if he stays in

it’s not even a story where you have to die to enter sburb
it’s just a thing that happens to everybody

if their wincon is to see town win if they stay
there’s literally no reason to stay
i would actually say it’s borderline throwing since you’re literally throwing away your win, and you’re meant to play to your wincon

So u would rather have a king maker

i’d rather they just fucking leave automatically
surrending a completed wincondition is, i’m pretty sure, gamethrowing

I’d rather they leave as well. I was just proposing a better version if they were staying cause as is. They can just fuck shit up for no reason as they dont have to play to their new faction

Was expecting these

Not these

theres some very neat roles

i havent actually read a single post of the game

but uh

did CFM2/dreaminggods make you fear NKs so much that you needed a direct counter to it? :eyes:

OMG hi kat ily!!!

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cheese forgot to add me :frowning:

ily too jane!

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wait leafia is town for once

i need to see this

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you’re stuck with the pizza miller cop cat

im a godfather to your miller cop though

you cannot beat me

this is already my favorite post in the game