Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat


theyll find a way

town cannot lose

they can win if appel does some fuckery and redirects kyo to mist while they claimvig 4444
but that’d require they convince pkr that mist is scum

Town dayvig op

you mean day/nightvig miller redirector

Imagine if it got converted

they could only convert one player and it was appel
something something flavor


town dayvig and also nightvig but only one at a time

also redirector

planning a roast

i wanna play appel in chess because with the amount of blatant lies shes spewing i feel like she might bongcloud me and win

Town blatant bullshit

am i the only person who got cfm2 flashbacks seeing kyo’s rolecard

this was literally a reference to their cfm2 rolecard you fucking dummy

dayvig and night also vig*

i never said it was a perfect one

by gods they think kyo is a LW

they can’t go back but it’d be a pretty gamer move if they managed to lynch kyo
too bad he’s a dayvig

what if you had just yeet a villager to win

but that villager said “im a dayvig redirector miller crocodile alligator”

time to ruin everything for cloned
how is redirection supposed to interact with appel’s bus drive