Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

the answer is you kill Lord English, not Jack.

i’d say so strong that they should be an NPC

most of what i know about homestuck is jack’s backstory
and i’m not entirely sure how he could even be beaten considering he has the power of two things that make him insanely powerful

Jack is watching your every step, from all (insert something that makes sense for this weeb shit) alike

actually that answer is simple
remove the ring
if he doesn’t have the ring he’s just an ordinary man who really likes stabbing people

the omnipotent dog though

so italy?

the only way you could do that is with another omnipotent dog
fortunately, due to… circumstances… there are two of those


no it does actually make sense in context why they exist
they both become omnipotent dogs in the same animation, in fact

okay so when they made him even stronger and what i can only assume to be him destroying an entire planet

this is major spoiler stuff so:

Jade’s sprite, who is just her omnipotent First Guardian dog, Bec, won’t talk to her in a language she understands, so she throws the dead body of her Dream Self into the Sprite so the Sprite can speak. Jadesprite heads to Skaia along with Davesprite. Jade dies after being blown up by a giant block of explosive shaving cream (we swear it’s tragic in context). However, Jack is still somewhat loyal to her due to her being technically his owner, so he carries Jade and places her on the Quest Bed of Space. Because of this, she ascends to god tier, but thanks to the rules of god tiering, if there is an available Dream Self, that self will be subsumed by the real version of that person as they become god tier.

So Jadesprite, who is also Dream Jade and a First Guardian, becomes God Tier Jade, the Witch of Space, who both has the abilities of being only killable if the death was either heroic or just, the ability to freely adjust the size of objects, and most importantly of all the powers of a First Guardian.

Jack succeeds in destroying our entire universe

Fortunately, the universe was being scratched at that time, so a new timeline was created, but he did destroy universe B1

what are his motives though
he used to just be a guy who really hated harlequin outfits
and why did they make him stronger

he becomes barely a person after gaining the Queen’s Ring, because he is the personification of Karkat’s failure to make our universe properly.

and who had the bright idea of making jack omnipotent by fusing him with bec

fucking vriska

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but also Bec himself.

outstanding move