Homestuck FM - Signups [18/18] - Starting Soon

there wasn’t enough room for the both of us in that thread

Hmm, just noticed there are 8 players in thread 1 and 10 in thread 2.
So thread 1 is more likely going to be focused upon because it’ll statistically be easier to do so.
Either way this is honestly gonna be awesome.

The idea of 2 threads, I have not seen this before.

/informed spectator

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It’s either going to go extremely well or extremely not well

Yeah lol.
I think it’ll go well.
I guess only time will tell~

i have
it didn’t end well iirc

uh oh

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someone had an ability to send others to an alternate universe
game was split in half by day 2

You should try joining thread 1 x3
I know you said informed spec but if so many people spectate we might not fill for a good while

but muh fragile sanity

But thread one has only 8 of us and it includes me!
So it should be more sane at least.

to be fair it was an abil that just sent 4 people to a different thread

and we didn’t expect it

so it was just me in that thread and like 3 other people and it was boring

8/10 where you can choose your threadmates is slightly better imo

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Actually I think I should take a break from fm for now ngl /out


Iv joined like

Every game to exist recently and I need break

/in on thread 2

This is 8/10 but something tells me numbers will shift a bit

you can’t have two texans in one thread
we’ll duel eachother because there just ain’t enough room


actually no


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/in on thread 2

I can’t decide
I said I would be taking a break but this looks quite unique

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you now understand what i go through every signup