Homestuck FM - Signups [18/18] - Starting Soon

So 6 more okay hopefully soon

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These people should join so it fills!



I can’t :eyes:

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Sorry but no.

Pingus maximus


@katze gets a special second ping to get chloe to join


ill pass

miiiight be willing to cohost if you cant find anyone else

but homestuck doesnt interest me in the slightest

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…i took this to mean “ill join if kat joins”

That being said

Adding chloe to the pingus list

i just need game to start before i get players yeeted away from me

its prob what it meant

@Chloe i def aint playin hf

put me in informed spec chat actually

i might be willing to help cohost from thre but if not ill want to just sit there all cozy and all



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on 2nd thought no multipletabling

so backup it is

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ew who tf calls it anything other than multitabbing?

I call it multitabling

idk if that’s what the right term is but tabling is cooler anyways

/Out from both Uninformed Spectation and VC-Botting

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Denied. I am in a bad mood to do anything extra.

I meant to leave those roles that i had singed up for and ping cheese
Apologies @Zone_Q11 i am not requesting anything


No idea what Homestuck even is and haven’t read first post, but /in. Could be interesting.

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one you have read OP

which thread?