Homestuck Smalltown (10/12) [Day 2] - Megido's Fall


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You’re not Sollux yet

This looks like unending pain with post restrictions that I’ll end up forgetting.


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Do we have to do a mass ping to get more people to join?

Looks to be that way

i wOnDeR wHy nO oNe iS jOiNiNg


You didn’t join


Good luck getting him to join this lol

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Why do I think math won’t join this

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I can’t right now

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Well it’s not exactly conventional mafia

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You’re in too many games

this game is cancer lets be honest

Just know i would totally join this if I could


Karkat isn’t the star

Chance of math joining this is like 0.01%

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That is 1 chatacter, and I didn’t make this up

this is all taken almost directly from the actual webcomic


Noob join this