Homestuck Smalltown (10/12) [Day 2] - Megido's Fall

“All punctuation except “!”, “?” and “,” may n0t be used. All uses of ‘ee’ must be substituted with ‘33’ and :33 0r :333333 in s0me variant must be used at least 0nce per p0st.”

and you boopy?

orang3 or purpl3 I n33d it for my proj3ct


y0u’re already at 3 strikes lma0

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I forgot to put it :frowning:

sh0ckingly, 0range

well, m0re 0f a yell0w


typing lik3 this sucks

im just not gonna typ3 no mor3 cya

No complaining in the land of the trolls :hammer:

"and :33 0r :333333 in s0me variant must be used at least 0nce per p0st"

y0u’re deady deady dead dead

@Livicus its ov3r

im dead bois

doing this sucks

als0 y0u 0nly have t0 substitute d0uble e n0t every e

yea I give up on doing that

its like y0u didnt even read

I don’t read

@Livicus kill me I broke the rules