Homestuck Smalltown (10/12) [Day 2] - Megido's Fall

Yes, I have absorbed the POWER of MathBlade and will STRIKE DOWN our enemies

This PR will take some getting used to over my other one

/vote Hjasik

If Marl is jebaiting us here then I will be e%tremely %

Well, Okay Then

/Vote Hjasik

ii diidnt

Game become2 fliiple22 and you have redcheck ju2t after that could have at lea2t triied

Al2o iicii ii2 2econd wolf 2iince he diidnt defend boopy

iicii you 2aiid thii2 before math Lynch iin ventiing thread

I a2ked iif you meant 2omeone iin partiicular wiith that and you diidnt an2wer and ju2t after that 2omeone ha2 fake red check on me

Don’t Angleshoot You Actual Spoon

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By The Way, Why Would I Defend Boopy When From My Perspective Math Was Almost Certain To Flip Wolf?
I’m Honestly Surprised He Didn’t

Becau2e 2he wa2 obviou2 N1 target to make game fliiple2 iif town

I’m Honestly Surprised That Wolves Attacked Her, To Be Perfectly Fucking Honest

Al2o 2orry for angle2hoot ii had hard day + got really 2alty when 2aw ppl buyiing iinto obviious fake red check

Becau2e la2t tp wa2 2cum and would try to talk them2elf out through wiifom

Al2o bu2y iirl

I’m Sorry? You Had A Bad Day And In Retalliation You Mudslung Me With The Most Garbage Anglleshoot I’ve Ever Seen?

Your Arguments Are Shit And Rely On Nothing But WIFOM, And I’m Honestly Surprised I Thought You Were Village

How DARE You Disrespect Me By Trying To Defend Yourself With Such A Garbage Chainsaw!


I’ve Had A Bad Day Also, I’ll Probably Sleep On This.
But In My Mind, Hjasik Is Almost Certainly Wolf Now.

They are not ur obv 2cum usiing wifom to talk your2elf out

Fuck off

@Livicus modkill me

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What now

*coming out of basement

Good job, Hjasik you just ruined the game for all people for no reason. :roll_eyes: