Host rework suggestion

I am making this as we have an AFK host in my lobby.

My rework would partially saves this problem: moderators and developers become host whenever they join a lobby (devs would take it from moderators). I assume devs and mods are more responsive then to just go afk.

or just add a function to repick the host, i.e. if some percentage (like, say, 62%, or 5/8) of players type a certain command, then the host is randomly reassigned, of course mods and devs might also be able to force themselves to become host if they wish, but they probably wouldnt always want to be host

Like ToS?

well yeah
but they can make it however they like

Isn’t there already a repick the host option in ToL?


there is. It always requires 4 people. Also it DOES work

The vote counter does not work but you can repick the host

my main point is that you can’t always vote to repick for some reason, it just won’t let you.