Why do you think that’s a thing
Why would I go to all that trouble
That’s a double Trojan horse maneuver which is utterly insane
Why do you think that’s a thing
Why would I go to all that trouble
That’s a double Trojan horse maneuver which is utterly insane
Doing the double Trojan horse maneuver makes the pigeon boss fight so much easier
I’ll tank for this dungeon
pigeon is the final boss after all
are you dps or healer?
I use the moderation class tbh
Theres this rare glitch you can set up to ban pigeon even though hes a boss fight
how many moderation classes do we have
Six if you count the taiwan exclusive xblade character
I forgot to change my region
I’m currently in US region
This game is so busted damn
I feel outclassed
Still disappointed that 2.8 didnt nerf min
damn I should’ve used a VPN for those extra character unlocks.
V5.0.0: The Ban Bug has been fixed
V5.0.1: The Ban Bug has returned!
V5.02: Bug has become a feature
omg based
The end, lol.
based ace attorney pfp
My cowboy bf
So based