How do you deal with scorned

Why should they vote for the evils? Yeah, it’s likely that they vote with the NK, but then it’s my duty to find the NK. But there is almost no reason for a Scorned to side evils when I was the one who gave them actively the win.

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And the ‘scorned’ could be a liar.

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Ask him for a trollbox. In the worst the “Scorned” is a Fool.

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Because they are a neutral who wants to side with other neutrals

They might vote with the NK, but why should they vote with cultseen? And to get rid of the NK should be easy enough~ if not that’s BD’s fault.

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But why take the chance? The risk is unnecessary for only 1 vote which could swing either way

Yeah. any neutral want to side with other neutrals. but as Scorned, you want your target executed in Trials. and Evils, nk, unseen and Cult, they are not interessed in Trials. Plus if you frame a confirmed trials. you can say good bye to your execution.
Framing suspicious target will give more chance to win.

When you want trials. the BD is the faction that generate the most trials.


Not disagreeing with you there. The scorned will want bd to believe they are siding with them whether or not they do is a risk not worth taking.

Because of the Good king.
As Scorned. you can frame anyone.
but you cannot frame a target that the Good king will not find acceptable.

Like I said. Evils are generally not interessed in Trials, they often prefer quiet game, where there is few trials.

I always had this problem as Scorned. I have a good target, but the only way to reveal them is claim scorned and no one want to hear that claim.

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What is scorned has the Prince as a target?
(If it’s possible)

Scorned has no targets anymore, he is framing/disguising someone at night and tries to get this person exed at daytime. He can choose the frame target each night, and he needs 2 successes.

So… waits for mental understanding.

If you wanted to get someone executed but you have to find out he’s kinda confirmed BD, you can just choose to frame someone else. And you can choose to frame already suspicious people (that’s probably even the best strat since they get probably invested). I think in my last scorned game I won because I framed the NK and the Assassin.

… as Scorned, you want to frame people who might be executed
. the prince has very low chance to be executed.

True, true.
Aw crap. I’m having trouble.

K never have I won as scorned but I am bad