How to bring back the acolyte


ThePlex you make class suggestions for this game all the time, even though they fill no balance gap. Just because something is not broke does not mean it cannot be improved.

My class suggestions have nothing to do with this thread, so I donā€™t see how that logic makes any sense.

Cult does not need a rework.

I never said cult needs rework

I just want acolyte brought back and sacrifice changed slightly

The Cult Leader doing both jobs is fine

1 Like

My problem isnā€™t distribution of power.

ā€œMy problemā€ is right.

Seems nobody else has this problem or any problem.

iā€™ll show you the poll results then.

how to make poll results visible?


yes see at lest 1 other person agrees with me.

The Majority doesnā€™t

my point is someone does agree. maybe this means more people agree but arenā€™t on the forums

Maybe doesnā€™t mean confirmed right, the majority here disagrees with you. I personally like the idea behind the alcolyte, but I see that it has it flaws in it current form. Hellif you want me too I can make a poll of my own and see how it does.

Maybe make some suggestion that everyone likeā€¦

Rope: is outvoted 7-2
Rope: See, people agree with me


Okay I am reviving this thread because cult uses sacrifice even less

They have blood ability and kill 4 people with one sacrifice

I want there to be an acolyte but Iā€™m not sure if this is the way to go. That being said the original one isnā€™t needed either.

yeah I have since changed my mind. I want CL to have less KP but for converted knight and hunters to have kill power instead of invoker