How to Make Maid a Reality in ToL

Oh wait. NVM I misread it

the class type thing is so Maids don’t feel useless if, say, their first check is on N4 because they still get results on N4. From then on they’re just a parity cop

personally I don’t paticularly like including parity cops without some kind of cool twist but fortunately ToL classes always function with cool twists sooooo

Don’t you think this version of Matchmake would be, like, ultra powerful? Granted, it gives zero information N1, but after that it becomes a strictly better Flirt with the addition of giving you a good idea of the player’s alignment.

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No, it only gives class type ON THE FIRST NIGHT. the rest of the time it’s a parity cop

Oh okay


Why lol

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so Maids don’t feel useless on the first night or if they die N2

But what about the sheriff that died n1 and found unseen

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Honestly we could keep the 2 target but then also remove poke around and make Service a night ability. ToL has more frames/tailors and less time to interpret results

Remember. Maid is the most likely to be effected by frames and tailors compared to any other class and can be the most devistating when she is


Your intention here is nice, but we would be creating a super Princess to remedy a situation that doesn’t happen often to offset the fact we’re almost invalidating the Princess.

id make royal blood check night time and get rid of the class type check.

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but keep icis matchmake

2 uses of a literally better version of another invests ability is a lot. add that to icis matchmake and for the first 3 nights of any game a maid can just be a better princess.

Agreed. I still like my idea of adding the old Observer Bird to leapfrog matchmaking. It adds just the right amount of oomph, I think, and gives you a tiny bit of info on N1.

I don’t really like the leapfrog mechanics. It’s just worse than other faction checks like Obs peek or sheriff’s entire kit

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it what a standard parity cop has

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and not true

How so? If I know someone’s faction and someone else’s faction I will know if they have different factions

Because that is not infinite uses.