Hydra Event 2018


Anyway, (in the mash that you two just joined) I unfortunately can’t make it due to school making activity in 12/12 impossible. Sorry, folks.

But pro tip for you guys;
Even though the event says it’s casual, do NOT let your gaurds down. You’ll all be acting in an utterly different meta and will have to get used to it fast.

Also I predict almost all of you will be lynched early on.

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No one ever lynches Luxy

Which is why I’ll be watching that match. Want some :popcorn: ?

luxy, last year me and Fenraiser (guy from ToS) got lynched for having a slightly forced RvS post

it would’ve been valid if we’d understood that the meta on MU is to run RvS fast and thick

How does one achieve this?

The only reason you’re not playing is you can’t dunk me change my mind

My schedule ATM kind of prevents me from playing in a 12/12 format, which is what MU usually runs on.


actually you can get games of any length on MU, it’s just mashes that run on 12/12
we got a 96/48 game last year so getting a 36/12 or 48/24 shouldn’t be much issue


I know. Was just replying to Luxy on why I’m not joining the match he’s in.

To be honest, the same here
wanna hydra under “people who have schedules that don’t allow 12/12” :^)

It was a joke, I knew you had a real reason

Officially drags FK into this mess by posting in the forum and linking them

No going back now, I’ve dug our graves and we’re to lay down in them.

damn, Thunder and Littening
nice name


If we had a hydra, would we call it Alicibalus or Icibalice?



snatz is Hjasik