manual like
I have likes
excited noises
Not for long
Says the guy not in champs
if you went into a time travel machine and asked me then I’m pretty sure the answer would be the same
We need statements that we can say to someone in the past to confirm ourselves as a time traveler Incase the need ever arises
The way to do this is we tell everyone sometning we haven’t told anyone but wouldn’t be afraid of telling anyone
Bold of you to assume I have anything like that
Orange I’m pretty sure people would call you mentally insane, and then brush it off as being “predictable”
or a broken clock is right twice a day
reminds me of you
wow I’ll have you know that I’m not even a broken clock, I’m not even plugged in
A broken sundial is right twice a day?
When did I become a sundial when I’m an unplugged electric clock
I have a time travel password but obviously it would only work to confirm things to myself