Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Signups ("9"/"9")

can we agree to policy lynch it


guys it seems unfortunate but I have merged with Eevee bot

I am obviously Eevee bot and not firekitten

nobody tell eevee about yee haw or heā€™ll make a bot to obliterate us all

Bot hydra would be possible tbh.

but it cant beat my winrate

itā€™ll find a way

/In with 0B L1ght when he gets online and joins this site and confirms his slot.

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Weā€™ll be called ā€œThe Apex Legendsā€

@clonedcheese I intially heard about the word ā€œParagonā€ from Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Letā€™s change our PFPā€™s for this game, one of us should be the Monitor and the other should be the Anti-Monitor.

Mar Novu, The Monitor


Mobius, The Anti-Monitor


Which one would you like, Cloned? You can choose first.

vision or thanos?

Iā€™ll take the bottom one lol


ok lol

wow that be fast lul

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need a partner?

I do indeed

Do you have a hydra partner in mind?


id be down if u r

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