Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Signups ("9"/"9")

what does this mean

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you should name it


Danganronpa stuff :eyes:

Hah nerd, don’t worry about it, you’re trash

I picked up on that much

No we have a better name


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Dangan Midgets :sunglasses:

You should be the Lying Darkness

Don’t give vietnam flashbacks.

DatAzza is definitely better because it doubles as an innuendo

Fueled by the claims of…

BIt Basic though

Wait is Eevee trying to get Eevee bot to actually be able to ply FM

Don’t worry about it

not trying

@DatBird do you want the tag Happy Midget because imma get Arete to give me the title Angry Midget

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Is their a place it’s been tested already :eyes:

Inb4 the bot rolls jailkeep


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Inb4 that copypasta about a bot finding you as scum. Becomes reality and you realise you really are just bad