Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Signups ("9"/"9")

it’s crazy how it filled overnight before i could even see the thread
not that im salty or anything it’s just extremely high interest and that’s hype

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no thanks I don’t care for 26 people to be in a game

I’ll rather 18

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More like not joining a site that I will have a higher than average chance of thorough unenjoyment of my game

where do you play then
tos forums?
i never really see you join stuff on mu

I feel like it is possessed and I’s obligation and duty this game to death tunnel chloe and katze


society randed mafia

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sorry Eevee bot is gojng to decide who is going to be lynched everyday

no exceptions

Actually come to think of it

MHA was thoroughly unenjoyable

Irish People Anonymous was pretty unenjoyable

PMFM was a fucking trainwreck

FM2 was disgusting

And Hydra Event 2019 was heartbreaking

Add in DR Mash and idk if I’ve had a single good game since I came back from Solar Car


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well we have this one

This game will be different orange, you will love it!

perhaps you should give us another legitimate chance

I had some good games since summer last year
And then I swore to not play FM anymore

How did I never put this together though

Unless I’m forgetting something I have had exactly one positive FM experience since I returned, and I hosted that one

It also technically chained into an extremely un-positive experience

dang my luck has not been good

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orange can u explain why these games weren’t enjoyable to u
i’d like to know what you’re looking for in a game



also fwiw it’s not all on the players lol

A decent chunk of it is getting banned every time certain people remember I exist

i think i just created an excuse for a 150,000 character wallpost

Whats the source of fun for you?

hopefully that won’t happen again
you’re a cool person
you just carry a great burden as the longest-existing member of the forum
you carry with you the souls of dozens who have been forgotten by most everyone else