Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Signups ("9"/"9")

The opposite of which you roll

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Or we get tunneled by Gamer D1 and get mislynched

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can we have informed spec chat in this game of is that something we stopped doing? i noticed we dont have many anymore for some reason

we used to always have them no problem

We have 3 guide hydras
And we all know guides always target each other N1

People stopped doing that because of Memesky. Iā€™m pretty sure no one here will do what he did.

Itā€™s more work for the hosts, and since some hydra chats are on Discord I doubt youā€™ll be in them

Iā€™m hydrad with a guide

lol didnt he ask specs to like his posts or something i remember now

Silly Priestess

This is a vanilla setup

Inb4 the guide hydras are the mafia and jailkeep

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i just like being in a PM and being told who is scum for all specs to discuss, i dont need to be in each role PMs

Thereā€™s a factional kill and a jail :stuck_out_tongue:

If thereā€™s a will thereā€™s a way

out of likes rip

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Pre-game slank cover I have a math test that Iv yet to open my book and look at a single section for

Will be a bit Pre-occupied cramming for entire test

Pre-game slank cover im not in this game so donā€™t expect me to be active.

I personally find uninformed spectating to be far more interesting because you are basically given a chance to solve the game like all other players, except you can do it off the stage.
Also I think there were a few recent games where spectators could choose if they wanted to be informed or uninformed?

I know evolution mafia had informed spectators

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Or rather, a choice for that