Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Signups ("9"/"9")

That sucks, I’m sorry

i had taken various calc stuff earlier at an old HS that I dropped out of
and got a 3 on the calc bc test before that

i basically begged the math department chair at that college to let me into calc 3. she did and i breezed by lmao

but i still had to get credit for the previous calcs after

Hard relate on having to go back for credit

Luckily I’ve always been able to substitute a harder class

For example

Didn’t take Engineering 101

Am instead using Mathematics 471 to fill that credit

tech also auto-gives transfer credit unlike umich where it’s literal hell to get
so fair

You can’t vote hosts, nerd :^)

Also I thought it was public knowledge that I don’t have a sense of humor.

I want to see Wazza roll scum more often, his last two games were good :eyes:

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I like it but why

also nelly is that you

Nice cat, Mist

@katze @Cat hydra when

Final semester online wasnt the plan but it’s the cards I been dealt. Especially sucks as I’m doing a huge team project and it helped a lot more to meet in person


I can’t imagine being a senior in engineering rn

it’s hard for me to relate to the non-mech engineering majors who never have to take the sequences of mech that get further and further on steroids

(statics / dynamics / defbods / sysdyn / vibrations / structural analysis / controls / aerodyn / orbital mech etc.)

imagine studying something useful lmao

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Have more cute foxes.


You guys are nerds haha nerds

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Is there literally a class called vibrations?

system dynamics and vibrations
just took it ye

I am too tho so it’s fine

Dynamics & Vibrations was actually a super fun course