Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Signups ("9"/"9")

of course i know that

iā€™m probably the least frugal person any of you know
and thatā€™s sort of annoying

Meanwhile Iā€™m out here scavenging for food for two months while abroad

although tbf that was so I could dump money into the post-race part of the trip where I traveled all over the place for an extra two months

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oh iā€™ve ran out of money for food over and over again
because im a dumbass and like i said i spend boatloads of money on shit i definitely donā€™t need

very worth btw

especially given I literally dodged crises like nobodyā€™s business

and you were talking about going out and getting ice cream with a freind when we told you not to

Got out of Aus before the fires

Got out of NZ before a volcano went off and flooding trapped a bunch of tourists where weā€™d just been

Got out of the Philippines literal hours before a typhoon hit

Got out of Asia just before Corona

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itā€™s one of the worst addictions imaginable that doesnā€™t impact physical health imho

my sister is on the opposite end of the spectrum
she already has like 20k in her roth ira
or something

I got out of Israel a few weeks before the next short war
That was fun :eyes:

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oh my god why did I not think of that


Thatā€™s so good

silicon valley pog

@Arete weā€™ll keep these titles but our team name is now Solar Opposites


@N.1 Just make sure that you always have a surplus, each month, and put it into savings.
Itā€™s surprising how few stuff people really need to live

yā€™all are midgets

thatā€™s all I wanted to say goodbye

yeah iā€™ve been told that
iā€™m woefully inept at developing and sticking to budgets though

Donā€™t pay with credit card. Only pay with real money. That helps