Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Signups ("9"/"9")

i see

then i have seen you

but in my head you’re still whatever your current pfp is cause its super cute


Look what a beautiful composite material this hedgehog stands at.


Honestly idek what this is


me either

but its cute

All I know is it’s better than the abomination marshal made me have

there were worse ones but i gave u the sfw one

Adoraburr as far as I remember


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Oh no


choke me coronachan

Is it too late to out I’m scared

we need a “coronavirus” hydra for the unexpected allies italia+coronavirus scumteam

Wait. Wait.


Be my hydra, you will be coronavirus, I will be researcher :^)

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but what about amelia

Arete could this be a thing?

i doubt this game specifically is gonn be run on 451 but :man_shrugging:

all hydra pairs are the better player with “coronavirus” weighing them down