Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Signups ("9"/"9")

this is the tiniest possible fraction of a compliment you could possibly give

I have read 0 of their games sue me

In my last hydra game I almost didnt get mislynched, but we managed to get into F5
And I got lynched thx to SCIENCE reeeee :wink:
(and then we won regardless)

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The fact I noticed them specifically despite this is probably more of a compliment than you think

hopefully we are scum, Iā€™m way better in not getting lynched as scum than as BD

well thereā€™s no chance weā€™re BD so

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I keep you

btw I think Iā€™m the originator of the infamous ā€œselfvote+AtEā€ defense which got sadly pretty famous in this forums afterwards

vulā€™s predictions:

this gets spkā€™d n1 or is a wolf

hyperposting madness here. probably the hardest slot to read other than the one above. possible tonal read?

hyperposting madness here too, but more memes and bullshit. could go either way. if they rand wolf with the Gamers hydra itā€™s gonna be the best game ever

underdog. could potentially clutch if it plays instead of coasting.

might be underestimated if it rands wolf. considering how frequently these two players get mislynched, i fear a d1 lynch, but maybe this game will break the curse

could go either way, i have no idea. good enough to do something as either alignment

i have absolutely 0 clue what this will be able to pull off but i expect loud voices

same as above. hard to estimate imo. might be a fairly easy read if it rands wolf? i expect dedication

this is a wildcard slot. it could either play a godly game or die early, to rope or nightkill

Iā€™m going to the corner

Iā€™m not crying


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That is definitely older than you

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Hell thatā€™s way older than this site

Like as a defense

idk about people treating it as a meme but

what i wonder about is why itā€™s still a thing even though most of the competent players here meme that to hell

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youā€™d think you wouldnā€™t want to do something thatā€™s considered bad and a meme

Thatā€™s your problem

Then you have people like Celeste

idk if itā€™s a problem
makes things more enjoyable

but fair point

Not what I was going for