Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

Why is Italy the more active head of this cute hydra?

amelia knows i’ll tunnel them to death if they post

obviously i’m the bigger head of the hydra because i have more letters

but you both share the l

Ita + lia

then it’s because margarine is just superior

another post because “angleshooting scary ooohhh”

@Italy is Amelia even playing at this point

that’s gonna get me killed

they haven’t spoken in a good while

Italy has Amelia mentioned me tunneling them in your factional chat yet

obvious reactiontest smh

no, they haven’t even posted half as much in hydra chat as they have in thread
kind of silent


Your slots useless and is a good Lynch candidate

What do you have to say about that

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that’s basically anyone’s thoughts on me
i’m pretty sure vulgard always defaults to that because he hates how hard it is to read me

It is indeed hard to read a player who adds nothing of influence

Take it from me; you can play the game and be hard to read

Although I managed to pull off being easy to read this game and I don’t really know why but I like the positive attention


Suit yourself

When’s the last time you’ve won as town, by the way?

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i will not be taking your things
there are katze germs all over them

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i can either say “literally my first game ever” or “never” depending on the location in which you are specifying

Have you considered that your meta of being a consistently useless player has any influence on this

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one player’s existence wouldn’t decide the outcome of a game

I’m not seeing Italy as a good lynch here :eyes: