Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

it’s actually good the votes are so split fmpov


Agreed. Watch for bad pile ons

I pointed that out already a few times
But I have no idea what it means

@Italy @Amelia why are you not voting
@ChopChop and your partner i can’t ping, same to you. why are u not voting
inb4 both vote our slot

Normally it would mean “wolves are inactive”
But here?

Usually means scum biding time waiting for final pushes

Wait did you sub in for Marshal or Derps?


:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

i would honestly like more people to be here before eod but i guess it can’t be helped

Also, one point which confuses me here
My reads for most hydras vary a lot, depending on the hydra head

Of course, I didn’t even see that he had to go. Well I did shoot him a TR for the interaction with Katze and I haven’t really sensed anything off with you Vulgar. Ill re-evaluate if I make it through to D2.

FYI if scum claim Jail Keeper and real jail keeper counter claims real jail keeper should always jail a scummy person and tell us before hand who’s they are jailing as we clear a person if someone dies

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Well yeah, most hydra heads here are two conflicting personalities lmao

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It sounds Vulgar

Embrace it


Ill actually accept that
