Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!





You’re Redchecked

What say you


screams in french

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Ok boomer


No u

@DatBird hi

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allow a tired man to meme

I’m actually super upset this day is going to end and all I’ve done is argue with Orange.

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I did read a bit
Did you realize how much the thread dissolved when I tunneled Eevee yesternight
It was crazy
I guess still better than the normal inactivity of this thread
But for real, it was chaos

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What exactly happened? I suppose I could look back myself but I’m lazy

… chaos you caused.

Only two wagons have any bit of steam, and its…minimal. I think at max you have 1 scum team on board.

VCA is telling me scum is ok with the current gamestate and I’m wrong about Orange/Priestess. Ugh.

The moment when I noticed that Eevee faked a screenshot to justify his quicklynch attempt
(or maybe it was a bug, but I’m in the same timezone, I would have had the same bug I think)

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You still think it was faked?

You even admitted to it lul
Tell me, how much time would you have needed to fake such a screenshot? I’ve never heared about such a bug, and I know you are very capable in computer stuff