Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!


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Care to give a quick rundown on anyone you do have thoughts about?

Sure, let me get on my laptop so I can type faster.


Wait I got a good idea theres no logs right?

with this math

italy isnt JK :sunglasses:

what is this idea :eyes:

There are no logs . However the idea of everyone claiming who they are going to jail as JK cover is bad because then scum know who to not send out as a kill and who not to kill

fire shut up

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Vote Count

Votee Voted By Votes
Society Gamers, Solar Opposites 2/5
Solar Opposites The Apex Legends 1/5
Italia Composite Materials, Dangan Midgets, :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: 3/5
Composite Materials The ParagoNs of CloNNNNNNNNNes 1/5

feeling better about solar rn
mostly the way they reacted to my recent responses
well i shouldnā€™t be saying ā€œtheyā€ since it was just orange but potato potahto

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We all say who we are jailing tonight as cover and thus if the jailkeeper does die then we know who they jailed. That might not work as well now that I think about it as theres two scum, but I thought about this after Cursed Images Joat 9

Hi yes this is what happens when you at least try to have a conversation

Apex Legends has a doublevote

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society hasnā€™t changed my mind whatsoever
i think they are my go-to day 2 push

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Guys please letā€™s not lynch Italy

He said it anyways???

day 1*

trust me I already thought about it and it doesnā€™t work until at least one scum dies

until then, it gives scum more information then it does us


hypoing jails is never the answer

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