Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

i’ll talk it out with you later, but not eevee

atm im on a double-all-nighter

I’m asking you to talk it out with me right now.

again, later.

Oh that explains it

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I hate one game comparisons

Its such a bad play for him if he’s scum.

I already told you to reread Priestess reactions, theirs avoidance to answer and try to discredit our slot.

That’s where you find your difference.
And difference which is not dependant on me, but on the other player, since you are so paranoid about me.

You are not listening at all, just adjusting your story so it matches new facts, without reevaluating.

it’s the only other time eevee has played a 9P non-turbo here during my time on this site so . . .


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No-lynch Composite Materials, Dangan Midgets, The ParagoNs of CloNNNNNNNNNes 3/5
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The difference is bussing is rewarded in a setup with a doctor and bussing is heavily punished with a setup that has a jail keeper

how is orange here different from gorta there? you have not once mentioned gorta @eevee

9P, he sells out his scummate like that? I guess it aligns with a typical Eevee play

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joycats are oppressing us gamers

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See? Here you adjust your story again.

You said I didn’t tell you where to search the difference, I brought up that I did and you adjust your point of quesitoning yet again.

again, it’s not acceptable to never bring up gorta’s name, which you haven’t

Looking for a replacement for one head of a hydra.

If you’re potentially interested in subbing in, please message me; it’s okay if there are players you wouldn’t be willing to hydra with, and I’ll take that into account when processing sub requests.


you are trying to avoid talking about gorta from that game at all costs
which is not okay
not at all

you have given me no reason whatsoever to stop deathtunneling you
and i doubt that you will before one of us dies

“Composite scum, cause eevee did nothing”

“But eevee pushed scum whole day and planned out tactic for the next day”

“Composite scum, cause eevee didn’t use meta or ISO”

“But eevee never use meta nor ISOs”

“Composite scum, cause they pushed scum"

“But pushing scum is a good thing”

“Composite scum, cause they did it in other game and failed to give differences betwen this and old game”

“But they give you where to check for difference”

“Composite scum, cause they didn’t mention gorta”

^ That’s you rn.

Whatever the answer is… you just change your reasoning and carry on.