Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!




ok who’s the douche that didn’t vote to skip night

own up


It’s Italy


Guarantee you that’s the case

It’s italy as scum or italy as not sending nightskip?

Or both?

The scummy attempt to slam us came from town


Italy as scum

They would also not send in night actions to purposefully fuck with us

@Kirefitten and @eevee (Composite Materials)
@Vulgard and @SirDerpsAlot (:joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:)
@N.1 and @clonedcheese (The ParagoNs of CloNNNNNNNNNes)
@Italy and @Universal (Italia)
@sulit and @Possessed (Society)
@ChopChop and @Aelin (The Apex Legends)
@Wazza and @DatBird (Dangan Midgets)

Again i apologize, I trusted in my gut. It was horribly wrong

Datbird if it makes you feel better, we thought you weren’t scum nearing EOD but your slot needed to be cleared

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Its fine, at least we got confirmation before going apeshit on you

Now thinking in what world does someone shoot Gamers here. Like I feel like lolcats or Concrete makes a lot more sense

I have a huncy about why

tell me more

huh we honestly suspected them

the joke here is Italy also hasn’t been paying that much attention to the game

/vote Composite Materials