Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

I do not converse in good faith with people who do nothing but beat around the bush and refuse to ISO or Meta anyone at any cost


I’m not responding to any of your posts from this point forward

that said n if you actually want to get anything done with the materials wagon make a case on eevee instead of saying “eevee played like X as wolf on MU” or whatever that was and voting them alone

at this point it looks like a push for the sake of pushing and that’s bad


Both scumteams on a ML basically limits PoE to guarantee one of you dies next day.

i feel like you would’ve tried to convince someone that your push was real by now
but the only person you seem to be trying to convince is eevee, who is… the person you’re pushing

I won’t do it for eevee, but I guess i’ll do it for you vul

i mean
all of your voters are spewed clear or dead

Well, you are not responding to my questions, and when I answered yours you just blatantly lied you did anything about it.

Now you are being questioned and you behave way worse.


True. Wait where was I going with this?

Oh! I don’t think scum would vote on either major wagon if us and their scum team are locked in a 1v1.

bruh if you are actually convinced eevee, and by extension materials, is a wolf slot, then lynching them ends the game
why did i have to tell you to convince people they are a wolf
you’re literally ending the game by lynching a wolf here, you should be motivated to get your wolfread lynched if you’re that motivated and tunneling them with your singular vote isn’t getting them lynched

i think i phrased that really poorly but my point is that despite wolfreading materials really hard (apparently), specifically eevee, n has done absolutely nothing to actually get them lynched and that’s weird because there’s only one wolf left
if n thinks eevee really is a wolf, he should be going head over heels trying to get us to lynch them because most of us are TRing them and N should be worried about a wolf being miscleared
but he’s… not doing any of that. instead he keeps placing his singular vote and bringing up the same repetitive meta argument which isn’t even swaying his hydra partner, not to mention the rest of the thread
it feels like he’s pushing for the sake of pushing instead of pushing for the sake of lynching a wolf, and in the current situation, that’s probably a bad look

they also happen to be the only voter off the main wagons at eod1, wasn’t present during eod to potentially switch votes, and as such can’t be cleared off of VCA
the same applies to italia but their slot is doing absolutely nothing. clones are clearly trying to do something, but it’s just not very effective

I add to this that he lied about his only argument to begin with, dropped JK cover and that orange softdefended them and tried to deny it later in the day.



news flash

N.1 is tired/annoyed/frustrated

so he left

ask me questions and ill try my best to answer them

unfortunately that’s his wolftell

So in conclusion:

My Poe is

Paragon Clones

i don’t want to be an asshole here but n has a tendency to disappear under pressure as wolf
i’m sorry if it comes across as an insult but it’s just… true

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cloned did he explain to you why he was wolfreading materials, without using a meta argument?
did he tell you what he tried to accomplish with that push?

Meh, I’m not clearing them due to being active as well as I’m not gonna acusse them of disappearing.

Meta is meta. Using it is… meh.