Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!


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Who was jailed N1 and N2?

I want Confirmation!

I want to win!

that still doesn’t explain why it wouldn’t be you
i think the remaining wolf just failed to put two and two together

I’m more thinking it was to dodge all claimed jailkeeps, really

Who’s confirmed Town?
Show me your N1 and N2!

oh yeah there was someone claiming jk on materials
i think clones?

Cause N.1 said they will jailkeep us. Which would make them town.

That’s my teory at least.

I already apologized to you, what more do you want from me

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Do I need to mention how pissed off Eevee was that N1 was pushing the jail keeper


This exists!

Yes Dry, we jailed Dat, Dat is confirmed town.


N1 Attack Solar Opposites
N2 Poke dead corpse of Solar Opposites

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2 more means game cleared.

Tbh 1, cause we will just keep jailing one slot, making it confirmed during death.

If I’m JK, I’m probably RBing Apex Legends or Paragon Clones. And I’m voting Italia.

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For future games when laying out JK cover say your specific target and not a choice

Ok I’m jailing Apex Legends

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