Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

arete also was the host :eyes:


You won town the game.

please donā€™t rely on angleshooting next time you rand wolf
itā€™s annoying and it derails the thread. i see why you did it but it was the reason why i didnā€™t like your slot specifically
and also it was kinda against the spirit of the game but thatā€™s beside the point
other than that i donā€™t really have many problems with your play other than relatively low activity which sometimes doesnā€™t depend on you

I did never angleshoot? Wdym?

then what was that thing with eevee faking his justification for attempted hammer with a screenshot?

Well I was rightā€¦

Its something incredible scummy to do as town, and so I tried to convince you from it
Cuz I was RIGHT
he faked it

did he actually? i think he proved with another screenshot he didnā€™t?
i donā€™t know that whole thing was weird

Like I thought, he just edited the source code of the site appearance in his browser
Thats only a few clicks and incredible easy
Yes he admitted it after the game :joy:

Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win! - Forum Matches - Forum of Lies _ Throne of Lies _ by Imperium42.html


accusation retracted
but wtf was this even
why did this have to be a thing in the game


Ask eevee not me :eyes:

hold on a fucking second
isnā€™t encryption and hacking against mafia rules???

also something something you lucked out on that fake read as that was an ideal read to exploit everybodyā€™s beliefs about you into thinking you were v, and you also got fucked over by the rand afterwards

Its not hacking
You are changing just the appearance of your site on your end

thatā€™s why iā€™m confused

it counts as encryption, I think
i would, at least

Thats not worse than photoshopping it :wink:

itā€™s not wolfy but itā€™s not something that should be discussed in a mafia game
eevee does that kind of bullshit all the time