Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

Reminder to keep discussion civil <3

iā€™m saying that Priestess missed an opportunity in this game and iā€™m trying to help her improve, and iā€™m even trying to not be an asshole about it

donā€™t worry


To be honest, I hate how it is legal.

If itā€™s legal then can we just fake screenshots of the class we receive?
Or maybe fake our class in this thread, post it publicly like that, since it ainā€™t from our classcard?

Thereā€™s lots of reasons why it should be illegal.

Anyway this topic has nothing to do with what youā€™re talking about rn so cya.

my pure town what the fuck are you guys doing

Honestly his reads arenā€™t always wrong and I know I give him a lot of shit for his playstyle but thatā€™s only because I see a lot of untapped potential when he applies himself

Tough love

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The issue is Iā€™m lazy

What did he do that was bad? Unless I missed something I donā€™t think he did anything bad. Also Vulgard please check your discord and accept my friend request so I can message you something

and uh
idk if i should go into specifics

Please do

your entire play here came across as ā€œiā€™m the greatest player everā€ and ā€œi have no respect for anyone elseā€
you bullied everyone else and you came across as salty postgame, undermining villageā€™s success at every twist and turn and hesitating to accept that some villagers played well, calling the village bad several times

some of that was obviously because you randed wolf, but i still donā€™t respect playing with that mindset whatsoever. you donā€™t need to care about my respect honestly but thatā€™s how i feel

even if that wasnā€™t the intention, there were so many posts which came across as thisā€¦ that i canā€™t help but think it was the exact mindset

i donā€™t expect anyone to call me some village god or something because i happened to unvote at the right time and got lucky, but this isnā€™t about me really
itā€™s a general thing that applies to everyone

If I am allowed to defend myself on this point, I really donā€™t feel that way at all?

Iā€™ll utilize a good reputation from time to time in-game but I definitely think youā€™re confusing a high-pressure playstyle with my actual mindset when in reality the two arenā€™t actually that connected.

As for post-game, I think Iā€™m allowed to call out townā€™s faults sometimes? Iā€™ve spent a decent chunk of post-game ragging on my own missteps and those of my team, so itā€™s not like Iā€™ve been badmouthing only town just because I lost, and at the end of the day I donā€™t think anything Iā€™ve said has been devoid of merit, so Iā€™m not sure that pointing out flaws so that people can recognize and learn from them is really equivalent to me being like ā€œoh nobody did anything right I lost due to BSā€ when like that is obviously not the case lol

Sorry if Iā€™m giving off a holier-than-thou impression but I promise that really is not how I feel about things

yeah you are giving off that impression, at least to me
doesnā€™t mean everyone else feels this way
but i do and i felt like saying that

I know which is why Iā€™m happy you explained it

If you just kept your mouth shut I wouldnā€™t know it had been a problem and I couldnā€™t do anything to fix it

i think itā€™s a tone/attitude thing combined
maybe it just appeals specifically to me in a negative way, i donā€™t know
what i do know is that i really needed to point this out
a big reason why i avoided interacting with you was because i was floored by your condescension and idea of being infallible, and apparent dedication to stomping people you push into the ground even if they are abused villagers (which is admittedly how powerwolfing works but i still found the way you went about this utterly disgusting)
i know, iā€™m preaching morality and silly things like that in a game of forum mafia, and it probably comes across as unnecessary / inapplicable to the situation
but i canā€™t really help the way i feel and i want to explain this as well as i can, while explaining my previous actions
keep in mind this is my point of view and i could have an entirely incorrect idea here. but these are still my feelings, and this is why i dodged interactions with you
i really didnā€™t want to let these feelings affect my play, my read on you within the game, and everything else, because that would be bad and could potentially stir something up
now that the game is over, iā€™m explaining them

Iā€™m simultaneously confused how you got that and wondering if that was just you reading me as wolf but some other part of your brain convincing you I was just town but a dick

Because like ā€œhe thinks he knows everythingā€ is true via TMI

it was a bit of both but i think it was less read and more actual opinion

iā€™m aware you have tmi as wolf
i still hated the projected attitude
but yeah thatā€™s me