Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

But Eevee obviously bussed Orange smh

Because that was the ā€œEureka!ā€ part of determining alignments. Thatā€™s how I make all my alignment readsā€¦gauging agenda. Its why I can only read when pushed because I can only seem to find agenda when I have to defend myself.

Thatā€™s funny because I started pushing you intending to have my mind changed and back off, but wasnā€™t aware that was apparently the exact way to deal with you lol

vulgard writes 4 wallposts that eventually boil down to ā€œi feel like youā€™re projecting something bad and not being yourself and it gives off that feeling of malicious intentā€
which is the most dumbass thing ever but thatā€™s exactly why iā€™ve been undermining myself
it doesnā€™t make sense
but i still feel this way :upside_down_face:

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As I said, thatā€™s 100% okay

I get very emotionally invested in the heat of the moment, so yeahā€¦thatā€™s generally accurate.

But I am definitely being myself rn so as much as I can work on things I would also appreciate you giving me a second chance lol

It worked out to a townread on me either way I guess? :laughing:

I just get really mad when people get mad at me for being busy and not being able to on the thread at the moment. You probably did that on purpose but that is a way to annoy me if you want to in the future. I mean I donā€™t want you to but like. AAA

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Oh okay good Iā€™ll do this every time we talk from now on


Although when you backed off is when I started to change my mind. Priestess and VCA made me second guess to the point where I believed it was town v town and I wasnā€™t gonna self-pres because I didnā€™t want to hang a townie and spend all day tomorrow fighting everyone off.

i will make a thing that will hide all your posts from me

You donā€™t need to make that it already exists

But you arenā€™t gonna use it :eyes:

thereā€™s a block feature

oh no youā€™re not irredeemable to me i never meant to express that
i just got an unfavorable impression this game



Itā€™ll be easier than with @anon97870008 :partying_face:

wait there is
