Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

xblade told me he pays $120 per month for this forum
idk what that means quality wise really

I think my favorite Xblade moment was him asking how much we pay our game hosts


Did he ask that seriously?


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Who is ā€œweā€

the users of this forum


I am Baffled

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ā€˜Entrance fee is $5 for a signupā€™
Imagine that

eevee and I have talked about this in the past lol


Hosting is hard work tho
At least if you take it serious


But like

I would never dream of asking for money for it


I need to figure out how to process actions
My setups are completely original and fun imo but they lack gulp balance



You never responded to this even when I pinged you about it

My response is that I see no difference whatsoever between your tunnels on them D1 there and your tunnel on me D1 in dangan lmao

And that provesā€¦?

Like i said, itā€™s def a scumtell for you.

Also in context that would mean you werenā€™t LHF in DRFM

Which tbh I donā€™t really remember you being there so I canā€™t really say

But you canā€™t just claim that something I have worked to paint as scummy is LHF because it looks scummy

Thatā€™s not LHF thatā€™s me doing my job

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I absolutely was lmao
you and luxy buried me basically just off of a singular post from me